
Cleaning the inside of your car can always be done during the winter months. We make sure to come prepared with our proper gear to stay warm as well. If you happen to have a garage that most definitely helps us out even more!


As far as the exterior, most would think we stop detailing your car or that we clean interiors only. Fortunately, that’s not the case.

The way we go about this is using what is called an atomizer. We add one of our chemicals to the atomizer and simply spray and wipe your car down, section by section. The reason we do this is because if we use our pressure washer, there’s a high chance that the water will freeze instantly on your car and can risk scratching the paint when wiping the frozen water off.

A lot of it is how cold it is. If your car has been sitting outside all night in 10-degree weather, we will use our atomizer for your car’s safety. It really comes down to the circumstances if we use the pressure washer or atomizer.

Rest assured, your detail technician will have everything on board and be able to inform you on what we can do to get you taken care of!